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Raw materials for Silicone Hydrogel Contact lenses and
Monomers for foldable intraocular lenses (IOL)

Pharnorcia-Enabling the Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens Industry to Grow

TIME:2022-09-28 14:37:00

Pharnorcia has the advantages of self-owned key core materials, self-owned key core distribution, and self-owned sustainable design and development capabilities. Compared with international giants and domestic first-line manufacturers, which are imported and sold at high prices, our products have world-class technology, design, function and quality. Our domestic manufacturing, domestic material supply and marketing channels have changed. The price advantage is particularly prominent, the resource advantage is reflected in the high-purity optometry material platform, familiar with the domestic product policy, close to the domestic market, we use new materials, new technology, new products, new design, domestic manufacturers of materials using the old generation of soft hydrogel, production process molding injection molding, no astigmatism lens design capabilities, no silicone hydrogel formula development capabilities. The pharnorcia silicone hydrogel contact lens enables the contact lens industry to continue to grow.


The pharnorcia uses online and offline sub-brand operation, online use of mobile Internet, cut channel costs, benefit consumers, greatly improve the psychological satisfaction of users, pharnorcia silicone hydrogel contact lenses, enabling the sustainable development of the contact lens industry.

The purpose of pharnorcia is to enable domestic users to wear healthier, safer and more cost-effective silicone hydrogel contact lenses. The excellent performance of the new silicone hydrogel developed by pharnorcia is high oxygen permeability, moisture, softness, and good to avoid the discomfort symptoms such as dry and sour glasses when wearing, which greatly improves the comfort of users. The pharnorcia silicone hydrogel contact lens enables the contact lens industry to continue to grow.

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Pharnorcia-Enabling the Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens Industry to Grow

Previous : CAS#:3530-36-7,CAS#:3683-12-3,Pharnorcia-specialized supplier of raw materials for silicone hydrogel contact lenses and monomers for foldable intraocular lenses (IOL).

Next : CAS#146632-07-7,CAS#102789-79-7,The pharnorcia silicone hydrogel contact lens adapts to different application scenarios

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